
Monday, March 7, 2011

Sugar Crusted Popovers and Spontaneity

I'm back in that longing for Paris mode and it doesn't help that Trip Advisor keeps sending me updates on a $607 round trip fare to Paris leaving tomorrow.  So if I disappear tomorrow check the airport and flights to Paris.  Have you ever done anything spur of the moment like that.  Just hop a plane and take off.  I think we all have that  desire harbored somewhere in our souls.  I envy the people who act on it. And while I'm typing this I'm thinking why am I not one of those people ?  Oh yes there is J, who I love dearly and would never leave behind-but he also harbors that travel wanderlust.  What has made us so responsible that we sometimes lose site of spontaneity ?

Oh, a paycheck-that would be it-that magic paper that pays the mortgage and feeds us.  Our employers don't get the spontaneity thing and if you work for one who does send me a job application please ! Resolve-since I can't hop a plane at the drop of a hat I will do something spontaneous at least once a month -does it still make it spontaneous if I plan to do it once a month?  Oh I'm so confused. I guess you really can't plan spontaneity but you can instill in yourself that willingness to let go of "the rules of life" every once in a while and that is my goal.  I'll let you know how I do.

In the mean time, being in that Paris state of mind I headed over to one of my favorite web sites David Leibovitz. I can always count on him to feed my Paris Jones.  I found the photos and recipe for his popovers and I'm still swooning. So without further ado I give you:

Sugar-Crusted Popovers

Makes 9
Adapted from David Leibovitz's recipe in The New York Times and
Maida Heatter’s Great Book of Desserts

For the puffs:
2 tablespoons butter, melted
3 large eggs, at room temperature
1 cup (250 ml) whole milk
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons sugar
1 cup (140 g) flour

For the sugar coating:
2/3 cup (130 g) sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 cup (60 g) melted butter

Softened butter, for greasing the pan

1. Preheat the oven to 400ºF (200ºC). Liberally grease a nonstick popover pan, or a muffin pan with 1/2-cup indentations, with softened butter.

2. For the puffs, put the 2 tablespoons melted butter, eggs, milk, salt and sugar in a blender and blend for a few seconds.

3. Add the flour and whiz for about 10 seconds, just until smooth.

4. Divide the batter among the 9 greased molds, filling each 1/2 to 2/3rds full.

5. Bake for 35 minutes, or until the puffs are deep brown.

6. Remove from the oven, wait a few minutes until cool enough to handle, then remove the popovers from the pans and set them on a cooling rack. If they’re stubborn, you may need a small knife or spatula to help pry them out.

7. Mix the sugar and cinnamon in a medium bowl. Thoroughly brush each popover all over with the 1/4 cup (60 g) of melted butter, then dredge each puff generously in the sugar and cinnamon mixture to coat them completely. Let cool on the wire rack.

Best eaten the day they are made but can be stored for a day in an airtight tin.

PS. Don't say I didn't warn you - these are totally and completely addictive and so very easy to make !


  1. They look beautiful! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. I understand what you say, and how you feel...Saying goodbye to routine is not easy..In the meanwhile, can we eat popovers? ;D
