
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Salt-N-Pepper Cookies for Comfort - Baked Sunday Mornings

It seems silly to bake cookies after the tragedy in Japan.  Saying life goes on just doesn't seem appropriate.  How much can a person bear ?  An earthquake, a tsunami, radiation leaks, flooding, mud slides and fires.  I think of the people who lost family and friends and my heart is heavy for them and I keep them my prayers. 
When I kissed J goodbye this morning I said to him, don't come looking for me if we have an earthquake-get home and we will find each other there.  That thought stayed with me all day.  You are supposed to have a plan-that's what everyone tells us, but I don't think that anyone really imagines that they will have to implement the plan.  As I touched J's face I burned the image of him into my heart , knowing that he would come looking for me no matter what I said, no matter the plan.

I am grateful for my life, for J, for my family and friends,  and for the simplicity of life.  For being able to bake cookies. It's comforting to watch the rain tonight-it's familiar  rhythm reminds me that everything is in it's place in Seattle . And yet that comfort  has a heaviness and a sadness for those who have lost so much and endured so much. My thoughts and prayers  are with the people of Japan and their friends and families.


  1. What I love most about baking is that it can bring people instantaneous comfort and make them forget -- if only for a moment or two -- about all the things there are to worry about in the world. I'm sure that people are grateful for all of the happiness that your baking brings!

  2. What wonderful cookies! And I do miss the Seattle rain - I think I was the only one in town that loved it! So realaxing.... terrific post - and beautifully-made cookies!

  3. I agree; food is comfort, at least for me. I'm glad you're safe; my heart really goes out to those who were not. Your cookies look beautiful, just like on the cover of the book.

  4. I agree - I find myself cooking and baking because it's the only way I sometimes can comfort myself and show my love and comfort to my family. Your cookies look beautiful and I wish I had gone a little lighter on the fleur de sel on the top of the cookie.

  5. Tragedies like this make us appreciate what we have so much more.We are thankful fo many things.

  6. Your writing is so beautiful. Your friends and family are lucky to have you. And your cookies look great too.

  7. This is a heart-felt and beautiful post. Your cookies turned out perfectly...we love this recipe. As I baked I watched the continual news concerning Japan and it is horrible. My oldest son is looking into how he can join a group and go there and help...hope he can make it work. It is so nice to be in the kitchen creating good things for my family as a way to make the world seem all good, but we all know that it is not all good. Totally loved the cookies and your post...nice job.

  8. Your cookies look great! I love how full they are! I defnitely have to make these soon since I wasn't able to make them for this past weekend.

  9. Beautiful post...truly gives us all pause and its amazing what comfort baking can bring us. Your cookies are gorgeous! We loved this recipe so much!
