
Monday, February 8, 2010

Love Dorie

I must start an exercise program immediately. Since not tasting what I bake is definitely not an option ! And with Dorie Greenspan's recipes how can you go wrong. I made the Chocolate Coconut Creme Pie from pgs 352-353. And I used her pate sable dough as the base,pg 444. The only adaptation I made was for the chocolate creme filling, instead of 2 cups of whole milk, I used 2 cups of Half & Half. It made it a little bit richer. And warning to those of you who haven't tried this recipe, SMALL SLICES ! Unless of course you want to overdose on the most incredible combination of chocolate creme,coconut and shortbread. Just know you have been warned. Heading over to my treadmill to work off the slice I had this morning. Yes the breakfast of champions-Dorie's Desserts !

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