
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Caneles Bordelais Needed to Clear the Fog

Today is a typical Seattle winter day,foggy,damp and gray. So to cheer myself up I have decided to make caneles. I ordered the molds from a place called Mastercuisine. Even with shipping, currency conversion etc. they seemed to be the best price for the quality. They are deBuyer molds and I am very happy with the response and service from .
I can taste them already.

Caneles-Bordelais Molds

This  recipe is adapted from a recipe by Chocolate & Zucchini.


2 Cups whole milk

3 Tablespoons of unsalted butter-diced into small cubes

1 Teaspoon vanilla extract

3/4 Cup All purpose flour

1 Cup Sugar minus 2 Tablespoons

3 Eggs

1/3 Cup rum

Combine the flour and sugar in a medium size mixing bowl. In a smaller bowl break the eggs and beat gently. Combine the milk and butter in medium size saucepan over medium heat. Stir frequently and bring to a boil. As soon as you see the first signs of boiling remove from the heat. Pour the eggs into the flour mixture but don't mix it yet. Pour the hot milk mixture in with the flour and eggs mixture and whisk until combined and frothy. Mix in the vanilla. Allow the mixture to cool and then refrigerate for at least 24hrs or up to 3 days.

Preheat the oven to 480F. Remove the mixture from the refrigerator and whisk gently to combine the ingredients which will have separated. Fill the molds almost to the top. Place in the oven for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes don't open the oven door but reduce the oven temperature to 400F and bake for another 40-60 minutes. The caneles should be carmelized a dark brown color when finished. Remove the moulds from the oven and allow to cool 10-15 minutes before removing the caneles.

My Caneles
I could hardly wait for these to cool . The smell of rum and vanilla filled the kitchen. I wasn't sure about the baking time of 40-60 minutes but I discovered with my oven 45 minutes was perfect. I have to confess that I couldn't wait for them to cool and bit into one still warm from the oven. Scrumptious ! I'm off to enjoy another one now with a fresh cup of coffee. What better way to take a mid day break !


  1. Love, love Deattle and usually head down there 2x a year with a bus load of ladies. Pikes Market is always a must on my own agenda:D Sur La Table here I come.

  2. Ahhh one of my favorite stores too. I just got
    there catalog yesterday and I want to order one of everything !
