
Monday, October 22, 2012

Pistachios and Memories

Pistachios were always a treat growing up .  My mom loved them and got me addicted to them.  In those days the only way to buy pistachios was with Red Dye number something or other .  I grew up thinking pistachios were naturally red.  Of course I've learned the real story about red pistachios, but honestly,even with the crazy chemicals in the red dye I miss those stained red fingers, red lips and red teeth.  That was one treat you could never sneak a bite of, your fingers and lips gave you away immediately.  I rarely buy pistachios in their shell anymore-one of those childhood treats that has fallen by the wayside.  Now when I buy pistachios it's usually for something I'm baking.  After I saw these beautiful  Pistachio and Olive Oil Teacakes on White on Rice's  blog I found myself hurrying out to the grocery store to buy pistachios ! The original recipe for these was for a lovely bread found on the beautiful blog: Farm to Table Geek .

Want the recipe for the Pistachio Olive Oil Teacakes ?  Click here and visit WhiteOnRice.  I decided to add a little orange glaze to my tea cakes, it added just a little bit more moisture and really enhanced the taste of the pistachios.
Orange Glaze

2 Tablespoons fresh squeezed orange juice
1 cup powdered sugar
Mix the orange juice and powdered sugar until no lumps remain. Drizzle over the Pistachio cakes .

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