
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Pecan Sticky Buns-TWD Baking with Julia

The Baking with Julia cookbook says: "These bear no resemblance to anything store-bought."  That is nothing short of an understatement.  I knew that starting with the brioche dough these were going to be excellent.  Take into account that it took 16 hours to complete the sticky buns .  That was 16 hours spread over 3 days and well worth the effort. The contributing baker for this recipe was Nancy Silverton, and you should know that anything coming from her will be and is absolute perfection. She trained at Le Cordon Bleu in London and at the Ecole Le Nortre in Plaiser, France.  She is the owner and head baker at La Brea Bakery as well as the co-owner and head pastry chef  at Campanile Restaurant.

Nancy was the James Beard Foundation Best Pastry Chef of the Year, 1990 along with a page full of other awards that you can see here.  After eating one of these sticky buns you will understand why she has won so many awards. I would like to nominate her for the best sticky buns ever !

Warning: not only are these incredibly delicious,they have enough butter to put Paula Deen to shame and the preparation is not for the faint of heart. You really need to allow 3 days to prepare these.

 The beautiful brioche dough on it's first rise

 Rolled, frozen and then sliced prior to the final 2 hour rise

 2 hour rise prior to baking

Almost ready for the oven

Are they worth the effort-oh yea baby. Thank goodness I can immediately send them out of the house with J to his office , because there is not enough time in the day to run on the treadmill in order to burn off the calories from  these sticky buns.

They really should come with a health warning. Like everything - moderation is the key here. But just try and have one bite ; that leads to another; then you rationalize well ,I'll just eat one third of one; then that turns into a half; and before you know it there is nothing left but the sweet sticky syrup and maybe a pecan or two. Of course you make those tiny remnants disappear faster than anything Houdini could do !

Feel like a challenge with incredibly delicious rewards at the end ?  Try the recipe. Check out our hostesses for this recipe , Lynn at Eat Drink Man Woman Dogs Cat or Nicole at Cookies on Friday. Then head over to here to see what my fellow bakers did with this recipe.

Or buy the book-Baking with Julia  and join the fun . You can sign up here.  Me ? I'm finishing off the last brown sugar caramel coated pecan on my plate and heading for a long long walk on the treadmill. Bon Appetit.


  1. Wow, they look delicious! A pity I did not like the sticky topping!
    I've cheated on the butter and luckily the brioche turned out fine (it needs more salt and sugar, though). With this recipe we surely gained experience (and probably weight!)

  2. These do not even compare to what we find at the grocery store or at the chain in the mall. I can just taste them now!

  3. I love your photos! Especially the close ups. These were so worth it - even though I too am headed out for an extra run today.

  4. I agree not for the faint-hearted.. but soo soo good!!

  5. Nice pics! I 2nd your nomination of Nancy Silverton and her sticky buns!

  6. Beautiful photos.
    I made sure to send half of these over to my parents house - these were too dangerous to keep around.

  7. Love your photos! I brought mine to work, as well... they wouldn't last five minutes in the house otherwise. :)

  8. AMAZING PICTURES!! I will post about mine tonight as I'm just on my last steps now

  9. Just gorgeous! They look sinfully delicious! Lovely photos! I really loved these, too!

  10. Your photos look delicious. Luckily, I had family in town visiting, so I was able to pawn off a lot of these rolls on them!

  11. Oh my goodness! I can taste and smell those pecan sticky buns through the screen and gained 5 pounds just drooling over them. 16 hours is a true labor of luv and I'm absolutely sure they were worth it.

    Another cookbook I will have to look into :)
