
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Like Water for Lemon Loaf -TWD Baking with Julia

 Do you remember the scene in Like Water for Chocolate (by Laura Esquivel) with the rose petals and the quail. Tita is so focused on the love she feels for Pedro that those feelings go into the food and effect the guests eating the quail in wonderful ways.  I've always wanted to try that recipe and I just love that movie ! 

But I digress, I should have been in that mind set when I made this lemon loaf, but I wasn't.  I had just finished work and my last call of the day was a grumpy old man who would ask me a question and every time I started to answer, I would get about 3 words out and he would yell "Shut up, shut up, let me figure it out".  Goodness gracious, 15 minutes of that and trying to be polite and customer focused,whew , I was ready for a drink.  I should have taken a walk and cleared out that grumpy old man,but instead I baked.  Now I know better, I don't know about you but I do know that if I am rushed,frustrated,upset or all of the above, the results are never good.  And this is such a beautiful sweet recipe I should have done it justice and I'm sorry I didn't.  I slightly over baked it. In spite of that and my frame of mind, it was still delicious.

I cut of it's slightly browned bottom, sprinkled some powdered sugar over the top and enjoyed it with a cup of coffee while sitting in my sun room,not pondering grumpy people,but instead thinking, what a pretty little cake. Simple,lemony and delicious. And I pledge from this day forward to never bake without clearing all the cobwebs from my brain along with those bad vibes !

After I had that first slice, I thought I would dress it up a little with some fresh strawberries.  I took a small handful of berries,whirled them around in the mini processor with a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar and poured it over the cake . I placed a sliced strawberry on top of that with a good dollop of whipped cream-delicious.  The tart taste of the vinegar complimented the sweet strawberries and the whipped cream was perfect.

This is my first recipe for the Tuesdays with Dorie Baking with Julia group.  You know how much I love Dorie Greenspan, so when I found this group on line, I jumped at the chance to join.  I already had the book that we use "Baking with Julia " by Dorie Greenspan , and can't wait to bake my way through it with the group.

Buy the Book and join the TWD Baking with Julia

Thank you to Truc at Treats and Michelle at The Beauty of Life for hosting this month,head over and see what they did with this recipe.


  1. What a great blog you have, beautiful pictures too :)
    I'm suscribing!

  2. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment

  3. So great to have you with this group! What a patient person you are...15 minute phone calls with grumpy people is a can't do for me. Hard to clear out those kinds of cobwebs. Your strawberry sauce is perfect! I also made a sauce, but with sugar.......should have read your post first for more special ingredients. You fixed up your loaf into a very delightful finished plate...nice baking. And, I do admire your patience!!!

  4. Kris, Thankfully those kind of callers are far and few between-thank you for the lovely comment

  5. I'm so glad you joined us...your presentation is just beautiful!!! Sorry about the grumpy man...that would have spoiled my day :/

  6. Yes, people can be frustrating at times, can't they?
    The cake looks lovely & the balsamic was a nice touch.

  7. Given the rough day you had, your blog is uncharacteristically calm and serene. If you had not told us about your grummy caller, we would have thought you were sunbathing in on a tropical island and getting up only to make the cake to serve to a special someone. I remember that movie and thought the visual effects were wonderful. Thanks for reminding me.
    Your cake and presentation do look beautiful. And welcome to TWD!

  8. Lizzy,Cher and Marlise,thanks for commiserating with me and I'm honored by your comments-thank you so much.

  9. What a lovely strawberry sauce! I always forget how nice berries and balsamic vinegar taste together.
    Hope you didn't have any more trying calls the rest of the week.

  10. Welcome to TWD! The slice you plated with strawberry sauce and cream looks absolutely luscious!

  11. Betsy and Marilyn thank you so much for taking the time to stop by.

  12. Your strawberry sauce looks and sounds wonderful! Welcome to the group!
