
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Buttermilk Doughnuts-Baked Sunday Mornings

I couldn't wait to make these doughnuts-more properly known as Farm Stand Buttermilk Doughnuts Three Ways.  Whew, that is a mouthful-but so are these.  I have become addicted to homemade doughnuts-especially these and especially the cinnamon sugar version of these.  There was something so comforting and so , well old fashioned , about rolling this dough and then pressing out the doughnut shapes.

 I reached my doughnut zen moment while making these.  It was a quiet Friday morning, J was at school teaching his class and I had the house to myself.  The early morning grey skies and drizzle had cleared and a little bit of actual sunshine was peaking over the backyard garage roof right into my little kitchen window.  As I mixed the batter I could watch the little sparrows and finches flitting around the backyard. 

In that moment I felt such contentment and gratitude for my life and I understood the meaning of comfort food.  Not only is there comfort in eating it but also comfort in making it.

Of course my little rose colored glasses blocked out all the dirty pots and pans piling up from making the 3 different dipping bowls but something so sweet and delicious doesn't come without effort.  This is actually a fairly simple recipe -don't be fooled by it's length and ingredient list.  If you want something quick and delicious make these and  just make the cinnamon sugar to roll them in-it was my favorite.

 It reminded me of being 10 years old again when mom would make toast in the morning and sprinkle her cinnamon sugar mix over it-yum.  Cinnamon sugar always puts me in that chair in my mother's kitchen if just for a moment.

 I do feel compelled to warn you though, eating these out of the frying pan, rolled in cinnamon sugar-crack doughnuts-highly addictive, highly habit forming and don't even remind me about the time needed on the treadmill.  But again, so worth it. Head over to Baked Sunday Mornings and see how everyone else did with these, you will also find the recipe there. And think about baking along with us. Get the book and get Baked.


  1. ::swoon:: Those all look amazing!!! Phenomenal job. Can't wait to make them.

  2. Great looking doughnuts! And your photos are wonderful. I enjoyed reading your write-up. I also loved the cinnamon sugar the most.

  3. the cinnamon & sugar were also my faves! how did you fry yours? right on the stove? in a frying-type appliance?

  4. These will have to wait until I have company or I will be incapable of not eating the entire batch myself. I will drive miles and miles for a cinnamon/sugar doughnut and have on many an occasion.

  5. Your zen-filled morning sounds delightful. I loved the old-fashionedness of making these as well and they brought memories of my mom and being in the kitchen with her. I didn't make the vanilla glaze, but the cinnamon sugar were my favorite as well. I especially love your first photo of all of them.

  6. Kudos that you made all three toppings! I love cinnamon sugar too. So simple yet classic for cake doughnuts.

  7. Your chocolate glaze looks so yummy!

  8. oh my goodness! your're doughnuts look amazing!!

  9. Yours look great, particularly the chocolate. I noticed in a lot of the photos people seemed to have the same issue as I did with my chocolate not turning out nice and smooth. Still tasted good, though!

    I'm going to do these for a brunch at some point.

  10. My copy of Baked just arrived, I can't wait to make these doughnuts although I've never had much luck with them before. Yours look amazing!

  11. Thanks to all of you for taking the time to stop by and for the wonderful comments-you really know how to make a person feel fabulous.
    @Frolicking Night Owl, I used a cast iron skillet-but it was hard to control the heat with it.
    @Val, I almost ate all of the doughnut holes myself !
    @Elaine you are as sweet as these doughnuts -thank you
    @Mrs Hope-thanks I also used it on my black forest cupcakes
    @How to be Perfect-go for it with this recipe-you will love it

  12. wow! These donuts look so much better that the ones i see at coffee shops. *droooool*

  13. Your donuts look sensational! Wish I were there to eat one. I missed this challenge but it looks like it was a good one! I'll be back in Feb. for the Devil's Food cake challenge. Can't wait!

  14. Looks amazing. Your writing brought tears to my eyes.....I need to find that kind of contentment you speak of! Looking forward to "GG" weekend for some relaxation and soul searching!
