
Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

I  want to wish all of you the happiest of holidays.  Thank you for your friendship and support this year.  Christmas is my favorite holiday-there just is a magic to it that isn't present with any of the other holidays.  It must have something to do with the sparkle and glitter and lights and presents and love.

Every once in a while I will check my horoscope and today was one of those times.  Sometimes I feel the need to seek out a message or a sign of where I should be going.  I know I should just be looking inside myself but sometimes I need a little nudge.  Again that little thing called serendipity snuck up on me when I least expected it. This is a little bit of what I found in my horoscope today-Christmas Eve:
For many children, this is a very special night.  It is a night filled with happiness, magic and mystery.  They've made lists and they've made wishes.  Tomorrow, they believe their dreams will come true.  You are in just such a place now, too.  You should try to be more like a child, holding on to a great sense of wonder and anticipation, and the feeling that something you want very much will appear in your life through some enchanted means.  Don't entertain fear or cynicism. Allow yourself to believe. Something miraculous is about to happen in your life.

What a wonderful reminder for me to believe in magic, hold onto that wonderment at this beautiful life and just believe.  Believe in yourself, believe in your dreams, believe in your love and believe that life is as magical and wonderful as you make it. Merry Christmas and love to you all.


I hope Christmas Day finds you tucked in safely and warmly with your loved ones. Now if the magic would just sprinkle a little snow on Seattle for a White Christmas that would be perfect . Happy Holidays


  1. What a great horoscope and a great reminder to believe in the magic. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Sandy, and may you have a beautiful New Year!
