
Friday, December 3, 2010

Dinner at FareStart

A couple of posts ago I gave you a preview of coming attractions for our dinner at FareStart.  Last night was the dinner and let me just say if you live in Seattle and have not eaten here-pick up the phone and make reservations now.   You support an incredible cause and you get to eat some of the most delicious food in Seattle.  Every Thursday night is guest chef night.  Top chefs from around Seattle volunteer their time and supply the food for the evening.  We were very fortunate to dine the night Johnathan Sundstrom, from Lark Restaurant, was the guest chef.  The meal was one of the best I've had .  My favorite was the panna cotta with the burst of flavor pearls from the Kaffir lime-I can still taste it. J loved the pork belly and Jorge licked his panna cotta plate clean !

The Christmas Tree with donor cards

Clever way to display donors at a restaurant

The ambiance is very cosy and comfortable

You can watch the kitchen activity while you dine

Our server, Tim, one of the many volunteers.  What other organizations  do you know that have a year long wait list for volunteers ? Tim was wonderful-educated us about the history and success of FareStart-an 80% placement rate with it's graduates.

Italian Wedding Soup with escarole, white beans, chicken, meatballs and croxetti

 Thundering Hooves Pork Belly with vanilla parsnip puree, black lentil vinaigrette

 Kaffir Lime Panna Cotta with Clementine gelée, candied cranberries and shortbread crumbs

Seriously, the meal was incredible. Funny isn't it how everything seems to taste so much better when their is such  good energy surrounding it.  And this place is overflowing with positive vibes.  It was very nice to have Chef Sundstrom spend time talking to us after the meal and hearing his story about the kaffir lime used in the panna cotta. If you want more than just a night out some evening head over to FareStart and support this program.  Here is a link to the upcoming guest chefs.  The guest chefs program has raised over 2 million dollars and all proceeds from your dinner-that's right 100% of the proceeds including gratuities go into the program. Chef's night has been called "Seattle's Best Food Lovers Event " and is only $24.95 !  You go home with a full belly and a full heart !  What the heck are you waiting for -go to dinner !  And out of towners put this on your list as a must have dinner here . Happy Holidays and Bon Appetit.

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