
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Nutella Scones ala Baked

Since I love the Baked Explorations cookbook so much, I decided to start a baking group dedicated to baking each and every recipe from it.  This is the first one our group is doing.  Head over to Baked Sunday Mornings and you can see everyone else's posts and how they did with this recipe. 

I tried my hardest not to overwork the dough, but I did, and my scones were just a teeny tiny bit on the tough side.  Tough is good if you are walking down a dark alley and there's a 6ft 5 silhouette heading your way. It's not a good thing for scones !  But in spite of my mistake they were delicious, especially warm with Nutella  just drizzled on them-it's a decadent way to start the day. No one has to know-so your trainer at the gym says what did you have for breakfast-you answer oh just a scone and cup of coffee. You don't have to tell her or him that it was a chocolate scone filled with Nutella,drizzled with Nutella ,dotted with fresh roasted hazelnuts - a superb  bite of deliciousness .  Just add another mile or two to the treadmill-these are worth it. If you want to try them yourself head over to Baked Sunday Mornings for the recipe and join our group.  Bon Appetit !


  1. Thank you again for starting this bakealong. This was a great first recipe and I am glad I finally baked a chocolate scone. It doesn't look like you overworked the dough at all - they look so moist and beautiful! So worth a few extra miles on the treadmill.

  2. Anything with the word Nutella attached to it warms my heart strings Sandy.

  3. THANK YOU for putting this group together - and for choosing such a wonderful first recipe. So simple and delicious - a great choice! These look absolutely wonderful - not overworked at all. I agree - that warm Nutella added so much - spectacular scones!

  4. They look amazing! Loving this new group - thanks for creating it! :)

  5. Yours look good. I loved these so very much.

    thanks for starting this group! I look forward to many more delicious BAKED recipes!

  6. You guys are great-you make my day-thank you!
