
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bomboloni with Cherry Preserves-Daring Bakers October Challenge

The October 2010 Daring Bakers challenge was hosted by Lori of Butter Me Up. Lori chose to challenge DBers to make doughnuts. She used several sources for her recipes including Alton Brown, Nancy Silverton, Kate Neumann and Epicurious.

I missed last month's challenge with the decorated sugar cookies and I was determined not to miss this month's challenge. When I saw it was doughnuts I was ecstatic. Simple sweet sugary doughnuts-breakfast of champions. Well maybe not, but surely we all have a favorite doughnut. I grew up back East in a small steel town along the river-Duquesne. We didn't have a local doughnut maker but Dunkin Doughnuts was within driving distance. And the site of that bag would bring chills to a 10 year old. My favorite were the custard filled chocolate topped ones and the simple powder sugared ones. It wasn't until we moved out West that I realized doughnuts were a big deal. Just mention the word  doughnut in Seattle and you have your doughnut camps forming-Top Pot with their hand forged doughnuts; Mighty-O with vegan and organic doughnuts;Krispy Kreme with their light as air morsels; Daily Dozen Doughnuts in the Pike Place Market-hot off the conveyor belt and a favorite of market goers and last but not least Tom Douglas's Dahlia Bakery-fried doughnuts with marscapone and jam-need I say more?

For this challenge I chose to make the Bomboloni with Kate Neuman's recipe . Not only did they sound scrumptious , I just love saying Bomboloni ! I used Bonne Mamam Sweet Cherry Preserves-the tartness of the preserves complimented the sweetness of the dough.

These disappeared immediately ! They were so tasty and warm just after removing them from the fryer. I couldn't wait to fill them with the Cherry preserves . And they were even better with the filling. This is a keeper recipe. I'm getting ready to make apple butter and I think these rolled in cinnamon sugar with apple butter filling would be incredible.


  1. I missed the doighnuts at Pike Place markey but Canada has it Tim Hortons. Other chains cannot compete even if their doughnuts get smaller and smaller as years go by.

  2. Wow, these look fabulous. I am in Italy right now and am inspired to ho gave some of these (if I can find any that look like this that is!). Yummmmm! Erica

  3. These look absolutely delicious - wish mine turned out half as good as yours look :)

  4. I luv your Pike Place. Wish we had something like it out here.

    These are fine pastries! The cherry preserves look so good. I could eat these any time of the day (and I would!) Nicely done on your DB Challenge.

    On another've been tagged on my site, Sandy! Please stop by and check it out when you have some time :)

  5. These look fantastic! The cherry jam sounds likee a great flavor contrast to the sweetness. When I moved to San Jose from Miami, I couldn't believe how passionate people were about doughnuts. And then I tasted fresh doughnuts, still warm and glazed, and I was hooked.

  6. Thank you all for your wonderful comments-this is a really good recipe and one I plan on trying with different fillings-I just wish I had doubled this recipe-my hips are grateful I didnt !!

  7. they look truly fantastic! great job. I did a plain old cake donut.
