
Thursday, May 6, 2010

MMMMarionberry Scones

The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea. ~Isak Dinesen

I was very fortunate last week in that I got to take a little mini vacation in the middle of the week.  J and I headed to one of our favorite spots along the Oregon Coast-Neskowin.  More specifically a place called The Breakers.  The Breakers is a place you want to tell everyone about because it's such a wonderful getaway and it's also a place you don't want to let anyone know about so that it retains all the things that make you love it in the first place.

 J and I have been going there for several years now and so far,fingers crossed, it still gives us the quietness and wonderful undisturbed walks on the beach we have come to love.  It's a group of 11 privately owned condominiums right on the beach-and I mean right on the beach -not 2 blocks back from the beach. I never care if it's blue skies and sunshine or Northwest storm days when we arrive.  I know that I will either be sitting in front of the huge picture window watching the ocean or walking along the beach-either way I'm happy as the proverbial clam.

 Neskowin is about 10 miles north of Lincoln City so if you have a Jones for shopping,restaurants or casino gambling you are a short drive away. Not me, I head to the coast for renewal and to re-charge my spirit and I'm never disappointed.  I have a special draw to the ocean,always have,and always will.  Maybe it's something to do with my zodiac sign-I'm a Cancer.  Or maybe it's the memory of the first time seeing the Atlantic Ocean.  I was about 11 years old and my Aunt Mary and Uncle Honey used to take a couple of the nieces and nephews to Atlantic City for a long week-end.  It was before all the crazy casinos popped up-when walking along the boardwalk or under the boardwalk was an exciting adventure.  Tasting salt water taffy,watching the amazing diving horse jump off a very high platform into a very small swimming pool,hearing the music blaring from the bars and wishing like crazy I was old enough to capture the attention of all the cute lifeguards !
But what I remember most was first smelling the salt water as we walked to our hotel room,butterflies in my stomach over the excitement of what I expected to see associated with that salt water smell. Then my Aunt Mary pulling back the hotel drapes,and oh my gosh, I didn't think I could breathe- miles of open beach and the water-oh the water.  It went on forever and ever and the waves pounding the beach,one after another,building on the horizon and coming into within feet of where I would be standing . I don't remember what I thought when I first saw the ocean but I will always remember what I felt-love, pure love and that hasn't diminished over the years.  I always dream of living in a little cottage at the beach and that dream gets me through many of life's challenges.  Do you love the ocean as much as me ?  Or are you a mountain or desert person ?

Sadly we had to leave our little hideaway and on the way home we made a quick (you know jump out of the car grab the food and get back in the car) stop at one of my favorite cafes in Cannon Beach-The Lazy Susan.  I had a deadline to make back in Seattle so we really didn't have time to stop for breakfast but I knew we had time to run in and grab something just baked and always yummy.  And right there on the counter were the most incredible Marionberry Scones-huge and loaded with berries. I usually don't get excited by scones because most look like large concrete lumps !  But these on the counter, be still my heart-we bought two and quickly devoured both of them. They were gone after we had driven  less than 10 miles from the cafe.

Lazy Susan Marionberry Scone before it disappeared from the dashboard of our car !

 When I got home I searched the Internet to see if their recipe was published anywhere and I couldn't find it but I did find this recipe from a bakery in Coos Bay Oregon.  I made a few little tweaks and the scones were so tender and sweet, I can't wait to find fresh marionberries at the farmer's market and try these again !  Bake them, I promise you will never buy another scone again. And if you run across the Lazy Susan's Recipe for their fabulous Marionberry scones please share !

Lazy Susan Marionberry Scone

Marionberry Scones
Recipe courtesy Chris Erb, Early to Rise Bakery
Makes 12 scones
5 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for hands and parchment (I used wholewheat pastry flour only for the dusting through out the recipe)
1 cup sugar, plus more for sprinkling
2 1/2 tablespoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup shortening -I used margarine
1/2 cup butter
2 cups milk -I used 1 1/2 cups buttermilk and 1/2 cup of milk
1 1/2 to 2 cups Marionberries (or substitute blackberries) -since neither are in season yet I used a frozen mixed berry medley

Icing:-I didn't ice instead with about 10 minutes left to bake I used and egg wash and sprinkled with decorator's sugar.
2 cups powdered sugar
2 teaspoons lemon extract
1/4 cup milk

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

To make the scones: In a mixer, blend dry ingredients, shortening and butter together thoroughly until mixture looks like bread crumbs. Add most of the milk and mix for about 30 seconds. Scrape down sides and bottom of bowl, adding more milk to completely moisten dough. Be careful not to over mix. Flour hands and divide the dough in half and place on 2 pieces of floured parchment paper. Re-flour hands and shape dough into a large circle about 10 inches in diameter. Place about 3/4 cup Marionberries evenly on each circle, leaving a 2-inch edge. Re-flour the parchment papers. Re-flour hands and fold up edges to completely cover Marionberries. Flatten out scone with floured hands to 10 inches in diameter. Cut into 6 pie shaped pieces and sprinkle with sugar. Bake for 20 minutes-I've checked my oven temp over and over and it always check accurate but with these I ended up baking them 40 minutes-so keep a close eye on them until they get that lovely golden brown tint to them, rotating once halfway through the cooking time. Remove from oven and let cool completely.

To make the icing: Combine all ingredients in medium bowl. Mix for about 30 seconds or until thick. Drizzle scones with lemon icing. Let icing harden before serving.

Note: Step away from the scone-these are "can't stop eating them " delicious !

I sent a basketful of scones to J's office but saved one for myself and I'm going to sit in my sun room with a good cup of coffee, my scone and my memories of the ocean.

For whatever we lose (like a you or a me),
It's always our self we find in the sea.
~e.e. cummings


  1. I am a Cancer too so am always drawn to the water and the beach. I lived on the Great Lakes and now Okanagan Lake. I am also drawn to scones, usually savoury, but with coastal blackberies these would be exceptional.

  2. i very much wish marionberries were available in south texas. sadly they are not. had them once on a visit to oregon and fell in love. guess i'll have to go back. the scones look lovely.



  3. Thank you Heather,and marionberries are a very good reason to visit Oregon !

  4. We are fortunate enough to visit the Lazy Susan often (living in Portland) and I adore their scones. I love them and will try your recipe. I have a feeling that the recipe is a closely guarded family recipe. :)

  5. My wife and I had the Lazy Susan Cafe marionberry scone a couple months ago, and it is to die for. I wanted to find the recipe and surprise her and make similar ones for Mother's Day, and I came across your post. I tried the recipe, and while I'm not sure that it is a match for the Lazy Susan scones, these turned out great. She even commented (forgetting about the Lazy Susan ones) that these were the best scones she's ever had. Thanks for posting this!!

  6. Portland Dad,so glad you enjoyed them ! Sandy

  7. Hello!
    My name is Jane and I'm with Dwellable.
    I was looking for blogs about Neskowin to share on our site and I came across your post...If you're open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
    Hope to hear from you soon!

  8. Just made these.... they are more biscuit like than cake like scones. I think they needed a bit more sugar and salt. Thanks for sharing this recipe!
