
Friday, April 30, 2010

Chocolate with Francois

This month's challenge was hosted by  Moogie of Moogie and Pap and the direction from Moogie was to make Francois Payard's  Chocolate Mousse (Presented in a different and creative way ) .  I thought of a zillion different ways to present the Mousse but seriously it's all been done before, tarts,tortes,frozen,baked in a cake,sandwiched between cookies and I'm sure somewhere along the line someone even tried to fry it !  So I just decided to go with the flow and do something I love and enjoy.  While I was picking up groceries this week I kept seeing all the fixings for strawberry shortcake and I thought what about raspberry shortcake with chocolate mousse instead of whipped cream and of course raspberries instead of strawberries.  So ta da I give you my take on Chocolate Mousse ,it will be the first time I have ever had it this way-Raspberry Shortcake with Chocolate Mousse ! 

I used my new miniature angel food cake pans and made tiny little angel food cakes.  Yes I'm one of those gadget girls when it comes to baking , aren't we all ?  I mean someday someone will be beating down my door for those little angel food cakes !  I used the recipe that came with the pan and they turned out OK,a little too spongy for my liking but not bad.  I made up some raspberry syrup from fresh raspberries and put that in the bottom of the serving bowl along with a layer of fresh raspberries.  I hollowed out an even larger opening in the center of the cake to make room for the chocolate mousse and filled it to the brim !  I drizzled more raspberry syrup over the whole thing and took chocolate ganache that I had left over from some cream puffs and drizzled that over the entire cake and topped it with a sweet little raspberry !  Yummy, way too rich and something I will only have occasionally-like maybe every Friday !  This challenge reminded me how much I love mousse-it's so light and sweet-it matches the personality of the little angel cakes !  So enjoy my sweet little angels !


  1. What a fun way to present this! Looks delicious!

    Mine didn't quite turn out as I had hoped.

  2. What a unique way to present the mousse. Such a beautiful dessert!

  3. I love it! Very creative. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  4. It sounds delicious. I loved the mousse recipe so to couple it with raspberry and cake...oh! my heart be still!

  5. so creative! it looks wonderful!

  6. Hi! I can't locate an email for you in my file. I am looking forward to future Chocolate With Francois recipes. It will be your turn to pick in August. At your convenience, please send me your pick.

